MOF Briefing on ESC Tax Incentives

MOF Briefing on ESC Tax Incentives

Ministry of Finance Briefing on ESC tax incentives announced as part of Budget 2010 Tax Deductions and Allowances for Manufacturing Companies Date: 13 Jan 2011 Thursday Time: 3pm – 5.30pm (Registration starts at 2.30pm) Venue: 5th Floor Auditorium, Revenue...
IE Partnership Seminar 2011

IE Partnership Seminar 2011

After the world recession in 2008/2009, and the strong economy rebound in 2010, what can companies expect for 2011? Which are the markets that present good opportunities for investments and business? Seminar highlights: Global economic  outlook for 2011 Knowledge...


中国贸促会是中国最大的贸易促进机构,主要负责促进中外贸易、投资、经济技术合作。每年,中国贸促会在国内外举办多场大型经贸活动,为中外企业搭建交流与合作的平台。 6月9日,中国贸促会与南京市人民政府共同主办的2011中国国际生物医药合作论坛将在南京市金陵会议中心举办。主题为“以研发技术合作,促产业创新升级”。届时,将邀请生物医药领域发达的国家的有关商协会、研发机构和企业参加这次论坛。...
Official Launch Of Health Product Enquiry Form

Official Launch Of Health Product Enquiry Form

Dear Industry Stakeholders The Service Management Office (SMO) of the Health Products Regulation Group (HPRG), Health Sciences Authority (HSA) has been working on an initiative to consolidate the different enquiry forms required by various branches for product...

Invitation to Productivity and Technology Seminar on 10 June, Friday

Dear Valuable Partners e2i is organising a Productivity and Technology Seminar on 10 June (Friday) to bring a series of talks and workshops to attendees to explore ways to improve Productivity through the use of Technology tools. For registration and more information,...

Rehacare & Orthopedic Canton 2014 (R&OC 2014)

Welcome to Rehacare & Orthopedic China 2014, the leading trade fair of rehabilitation therapy, assistive technology and orthopedic devices in China. Event Name: Rehacare & Orthopedic Canton 2014 (R&OC 2014) Date: March 29-31 2014 Venue: Poly World Trade...


现阶段有近60-70%的医疗保健市场仍由北美市场主导,而有许多小型生物制药公司也不愿脱离包括美国、欧洲、日本在内的成熟市场。 然而,随着这些地区的价格压力日益增加,以及人口迅速增长(包括全球老龄化),意味着大型制药公司需要寻找未被开发的新市场。这些市场不仅可以提供许多机会,也带动了更多医疗基础设施的兴起以及对创新药的更多需求。 但是,在单个地理区域以外的市场销售药物变得愈加艰难。因为这些地方的监管制度各不相同,支付系统也不同,就需要不同的营销方式。即使现阶段面临着诸多挑战和障碍,但亦无法阻止医药正成为全球化经济的趋势。...


第八届亚洲医药研发领袖峰会 时间:2018年1月24-25日 地点:中国·北京 大会将邀请来自全球的药企、生物技术公司、科研院所等相关机构负责研发、合作的高管、专家及决策者, 共同探讨当前全球研发趋势、研发策略、创新能力建设及合作机遇等热点话题,旨在为全球研发领袖建立一个高效的交流合作平台,优化研发战略创新性,把握研发趋势前瞻性,强化流程管理科学性,深化外部合作的开放性,共同推动亚洲医药研发效率及创新能力的提高,立足亚洲走向世界! 会议概况...